Sunday, August 23, 2009

Our reason for existing

My name is Justin Petrochko and I am a graduate student at UCD. I am sending this message in regard to starting a campus group. I believe most anyone who attends school at the Auraria Campus will agree that it is a disconnected place that lacks elements of what a college experience should be, especially for undergraduate students. In an attempt to start a campus group it requires the interest and signatures of 20 students. This is not a commitment of any sort, but rather proof that there is interest in a group. I am asking you to consider signing your name to this list to simply signify your interest. This by no means requires your attendance at any meetings, activities, or involvement in any manner. However, the hope is that by simple interest you would also be willing to look into what the groups mission and goals are.

With that being said, allow me to explain the purpose of the group. As I previously mentioned, the campus is disconnected. This group is formed on the basis of being faith based. The purpose is to have at least five Q&A sessions this semester in the middle of the week, in the middle of the day. Free food would be offered as well as a 20 minute discussion by Brad Hovis, who is the pastor of High View church, which meets at the Tivoli on Sunday mornings. The discussion would include difficult questions as to the meaning of life, morality, who God is, who Jesus is, and how that plays out in every day life. After Brad’s message there would be 20 minutes to continue with the Q&A portion. Essentially, it would be considered an unconventional church, or rather a campus church. In addition, there would be an online blog set up to facilitate further discussion. This is not a group restricted to people that adhere to Christianity, or any faith for that matter, but is open to all.

The goal of this group is to provide a thought provoking avenue for many questions that we as humans all ask ourselves at one time or another throughout life, and to encourage community through relationships that can be formed during this time. If you are interested in looking into what the groups foundational beliefs are, you can visit, and are also welcome to attend a service on Sunday mornings for High View church.

If you are interested in simply signing your name to a sheet for this group please let me know. We would greatly appreciate your interest and support.